New ProductsJuly 14, 2021

Bringing edge computing to production

TTTech Nerve technology

Open, flexible edge computing platform from TTTech Industrial provides a software infrastructure for shop floor and the cloud.

Machine builders and plant operators are facing a rapidly changing industrial environment. By running analytics and other complex applications at the edge of the network, manufacturers can make process improvements in real-time and increase production flexibility and responsiveness while also reducing the volume of data being sent to the cloud.

Nerve enables users to:

  • Collect machine data in real-time, store and analyze it
  • Consolidate multiple functions on one device
  • Manage and deploy software remotely
  • Display connected devices and software

Nerve provides a secure, virtualized software environment that enables customers to run multiple industrial applications side-by-side on a standard industrial PC. Users can choose to either run software in lightweight Docker containers or entirely within a Virtual Machine.

Nerve is also optimized to run real-time Virtual Machines where critical tasks can be executed at high-speed, allowing industrial PLC applications to be moved into the virtualized environment without losing any performance guarantees.

All applications hosted in the Nerve software environment can be managed remotely from the web-based Nerve Management System. Once a Docker container or Virtual Machine is uploaded to the Management System’s repository, it can be deployed to machines and factories around the world even by non-IT staff with the click of a button.

If you are interested in trying Nerve, sign up for a free trial at the link below.

TTTech Industrial