TechnologyMarch 23, 2025

TSN interoperability and certification pushes ahead


Why TSN interoperability and certification is a prime enabler for digital transformation. TSN capabilities time-critical data is delivered seamlessly to the different devices even with other traffic types present.

Various industries including ProAV, Industrial, Automotive, and Aerospace – are currently undergoing a transformation from traditional single purpose computing and networks to software defined systems and converged networks based on standard connectivity.

Legacy systems that are built on dedicated hardware and proprietary communication protocols are increasingly being replaced by virtualized systems that operate as software workloads and run on ‘general purpose’ computing and network infrastructure.

Increasingly, software-defined and AI workloads require strict real-time performance. Live performances are dependent on precisely synchronized audio and seamless visual experiences, while virtual programmable logic controllers (PLCs) on factory floors are becoming commonplace.

For networking and compute solution providers, this transformation may be causing significant – and often disruptive – change, but they are both necessary and inevitable. It’s no longer a question of if it needs to happen, but when.

The need for innovative networking approaches

It’s for this reason that businesses are turning their attentions towards converged networking, especially for the integration of Information and Operational Technologies (IT/OT). The optimal choice for supporting software defined and AI workloads, converged networks are integral in supporting real-time applications, combining wired and wireless connectivity – alongside enhancements for deterministic performance – these allow for easy integration and co-existence of device types and applications.

Underpinning these networks are Time Sensitive Network (TSN) capabilities. These ensure time-critical data is delivered seamlessly to the different devices even with other traffic types present. This allows data to reach its intended destination without the fear of disruption or delays. Interoperable TSN components are critical for augmenting existing IT networks in order to enable convergence of mixed criticality applications.

Innovative concepts vital to modern networks, including time synchronization, traffic shaping and resource management can be found in TSN toolbox and specified in IEEE 802.1 TSN standards. The use of TSN can empower businesses to move beyond single function and proprietary networks solutions, which are becoming increasingly archaic in the age of Internet of Things (IoT) and AI.

Time synchronization (based on the 802.1AS protocol) and traffic scheduling enhancements (based on 802.1Qbv) help ensure greater determinism for time-critical data flows. These capabilities are driven by open TSN standards with broad industry support, which continue evolving and improving real-time performance on standard Ethernet and wireless networks.

Driving adoption through industry collaboration and interoperability

In recent years, Avnu Alliance and its members have made significant progress in driving deployment of AVB and TSN technologies in the Professional AV market through industry standards, collaboration and certification of products.

Interoperability is a fundamental step for large scale adoption and deployment. Within the ProAV sector, this has been demonstrated through Milan® – Avnu Alliance’s application layer standard for deterministic, reliable, future-proofed delivery of media.

The solution has been utilized across a number of different venues and events, including the Hollywood Bowl, Coachella, and the Millenium Centre. A wide-ranging list of use cases can be found on our website.

In the industrial sector, Avnu and other industry organization have made significant progress in creating an unified test specification for the IEC/IEEE 60802 TSN profile as part of the TSN Industrial Automation Conformance Collaboration (TIACC).

Automation within factories and over industrial facilities has continued to drive advances in IEEE TSN standards, in order to meet strict time and real-time performance over Ethernet and wireless networks. Through a collaborative effort from across the industry, we have achieved a major milestone; the IEEE 60802 TSN profile for industrial automation is now reaching final approval by both the IEEE and IEC standard bodies.

This profile defines a subset of the TSN core capabilities and additional performance requirements that are crucial in meeting the needs of industrial automation applications.

The spirit of collaboration was also demonstrated by the TIACC announcement, and the progress made towards a unified 60802 TSN profile test specification. Major industrial and automation-focused standard organizations including the Avnu Alliance, OPC Foundation, Pofinet International, ODVA and CC-Link established TIACC because it’s critical TSN implementations can interoperate and support all existing industrial application protocols – and all over the same converged network.

The power of certification

The interoperability of TSN components and products is pivotal if converged networks are to expand into existing and new markets. This is one of the reasons why Avnu launched the Component Certification Program, the first-of-its-kind to certify compliance with the IEEE 802.1 TSN standards used across markets, such as ProAV, industrial, aerospace, automotive and others. Initially focusing on 802.1AS and 801.Qbv, further TSN capabilities including interspersed express traffic (IET) and the forwarding and queuing of time-sensitive streams (FQTSS) are expected to be launched shortly.

Avnu’s TSN certification has also been streamlined for network devices such as Ethernet switches in 2024. This includes network elements defined by IEEE in its 802.1BA Audio Video Bridging (AVB)/TSN profile, as well as the upcoming IEC/IEEE 6082 profile for industrial automation. The precise timing within devices and determinism for time-critical data across the network delivered by the Avnu certified products will support the coexistence of different traffic types on the same network. More certification programs are on the horizon, and we look forward to announcing further details in due course.

A forum for collaboration and converged network adoption

These major breakthroughs highlight the strong collaboration and commitment by Avnu Alliance’s members to drive standards and interoperability. The technical specifications, partnerships and certification programs established by Avnu – driven by member contributions to various Working Groups and Plugfests events – are enabling adoption of innovative TSN technologies for the benefit of several industries.

For the Industrial and Automotive sectors, we are helping businesses to overcome the challenges of disruptive innovation enabled by TSN capabilities. As we continue to roll out new developments and certification programs in 2025, we hope this will provide the impetus for more businesses to embrace the benefits of TSN, whatever their industry.

Dave Cavalcanti, President, Avnu Alliance