Industrial automation wireless networks update
November 18, 2023
Wireless technology choices are growing led by Wi-Fi, 5G/Private 5G, sensor networks, Bluetooth, ultra-wideband and other reliable wireless technologies. These technologies offer enhancements for industrial use cases and also present new opportunities to enhance safety, security and efficiency in factory environments.
Leveraging 5G networks and EtherNet/IP communications
November 16, 2023
Combining 5G networks with EtherNet/IP represents a pivotal advancement in industrial automation, bolstered by the potential of Time-Sensitive Networking. This synergy promises ultra-responsive, deterministic, and broad bandwidth communication platforms uniquely suited to the multifaceted requirements of industrial ecosystems.
The role of IoT in delivering grid stability in the age of renewables
November 16, 2023
As renewable energy from sources including wind, solar and hydro becomes a reality rather than just an alternative for most of us in the future, we can only hope that IoT and related technologies will become the tools of choice in driving change towards more sustainable energy future.
Wireless solutions for access points and bridges
July 20, 2023
Integrated bridging capability built into industrial-grade wireless access points can add value to networking investments along with simplifying connectivity, management and installation for industrial use. Users face multiple challenges to ensure high-throughput, low-latency, reliable, secure and scalable networking.
TSN for 5G private networks, 5G IoT industrial and Smart Manufacturing
February 10, 2023
Tailyn builds rugged and Time-Sensitive Networking which has been implemented in its 5G Fronthaul switch, TSN switch, 90W PoE switch, 5G gateway and middle-end Ethernet switch.
Industrial wireless technology special report
November 21, 2022
Industry experts provide their perspective on the trends and technology in Industrial Wireless applications. From Industrial 5G to Wi-Fi 6, technology and speed advances — along with the need for more flexible networking to meet the needs of IIoT applications — is driving innovations in industrial wireless communication.
Industrial 5G implementations get closer every day
November 8, 2022
5G offers promising performance enhancements for consumer applications, with up to 20x more throughput than 4G and up to 100x more users in a single cell. But industrial applications will benefit far more from the boost in 5G performance, even though industrial applications have a different set of network requirements.
60 GHz wireless data interconnect for slip rings
November 7, 2022
High performance integrated and discrete RF and microwave components can be implemented across the entire frequency spectrum to enable application specific designs for a contactless Gbps-level data transmission via rotary joints.
Carbon emission control through wireless IoT technology
November 2, 2022
AiR GUARD technology uses a cellular wireless device to enable monitoring and calculation of the carbon dioxide produced by manufacturing processes from field sites. It connects digital meters via Modbus RS-485, and data is transmitted in an encrypted format through the Azure Sphere chipset.
Addressing reliability issues in industrial wireless networks
November 1, 2022
Industrial wireless technologies are indeed required to enable autonomous and remote-controlled robots and vehicles, to improves collaboration between mobile workers and increase the overall efficiency and safety of an industrial system. Reliability is a key issue for all of these applications.